价格:¥ 电联
Global Water 的 FC220 明渠流量监测器是一种可靠且准确的仪器,用于测量和汇总所有水槽和堰的明渠流量,以及任何重力型明渠流量应用。
购买联系:13439104997 拨打
产品名称: 明渠流量监测仪
品牌:global water
Global Water 的 FC220 明渠流量监测器是一种可靠且准确的仪器,用于测量和汇总所有水槽和堰的明渠流量,以及任何重力型明渠流量应用。
• 易于使用的界面,带有用户可选择的流量表
• 接受任何 4-20mA 水位传感器输入
• 用于记录仪或显示器的 4-20mA 输出信号
• 用于警报、采样或数据记录的继电器输出
• 防水外壳
流量计使用任何 4-20mA 水位传感器的输出测量水深,包括 Global Water 的高精度潜水压力传感器或超声波水位传感器,流量计功能强大的微处理器使用以下一种方式立即计算并显示用户可选择单位中的水流量和累加器值几种水流计算模式。明渠流量监视器有一个 8 按钮键盘,可轻松引导您完成多功能设置菜单。
对于任何自由流动的明渠,水深和流速之间存在特定的关系。每当出现给定的深度时,总会有相同的水流。因此,如果每个深度的流量已知,则可以构建深度与流量的关系。明渠流量监控器支持大量不同类型的流量计算模式。明渠流量计包括 40 多个预编程的水槽和堰表。用于圆管和开放矩形通道的监测;水流量计的曼宁方程模式允许用户输入他们自己的材料、坡度和管道或渠道尺寸参数。明渠流量监视器还允许您定义标准流量方程,可以计算几乎所有水槽和堰的流量。另一种模式允许用户将参数输入到水流量计中以获得**拟合的三阶多项式,这对于根据经验数据和查找表计算流量很有用(参见关于流量测量的文章)。此外,一 (1) 个工厂可编程查找表可以永久存储在明渠流量监测器的处理器内存中,用于在单个方程无法准确预测流量的应用中进行监测,例如具有复杂几何形状的河床和明渠。用户可以将 16 个字符的名称编程到 FC220 水流量计中,以识别安装地点或显示有关配置的其他信息。
Global Water 的标准明渠流量监测器可以使用任何 4-20 mA 水位传感器测量水流深度,包括高精度 WL400 水位传感器,它是一种由不锈钢制成的完全潜水式水位传感器。任何水位传感器范围都可以与流量计一起使用,但是范围接近您**预期水位变化的传感器将为您提供**精度。潜入式压力传感器应安装在略低于明渠“零”流量深度的位置,位于水槽或堰口的上游。对于没有主设备的明渠,传感器应安装在预期的**水深以下。因为明渠流量监测器接受 4-20 mA 输入信号,所以它可以安装在距离水位传感器 3000 英尺的地方。
Global Water 还提供超声波水位传感器,允许明渠流量监测器测量半固体流量或不适合标准潜水压力传感器的流量。Global Water 建议仅在有交流电源的区域使用超声波传感器选件。对于没有交流电源的应用,您应该强烈考虑将潜入式压力传感器与明渠流量监测器一起使用。
明渠流量监测器可显示多达 7 位数字的水流量,可显示非常大的流量。水流量计的累加器可在非易失性存储器中记录多达 9 位的流量,并有密码保护以防重置。可用体积单位有立方英尺、加仑、百万加仑、立方米和升;时间单位包括秒、分钟、小时和天。这允许明渠流量计以 20 种不同的用户定义单位显示流量。水位以英尺、英寸、米或厘米为单位进行校准和显示;水位偏移功能允许调整测量的水位,以补偿水流量计传感器安装的变化。
水流量计有四个独立的继电器输出,用于触发外部设备,如水采样器和监控设备。明渠流量监测器的继电器可以单独编程以根据每个脉冲的体积触发,阈值设置可用于将触发限制在预设水平以上的流量。还有一个准确且可扩展的 4-20mA 输出,用于使用数据记录器和 PLC 设备监控流量。内部 USB 数据记录器可作为明渠流量监控器的出厂选项,以允许记录历史流量数据以及每个继电器触发事件的准确时间。提供免费软件用于对数据记录器进行编程、下载流量和继电器数据以及导出到电子表格。
Global Water's FC220 Open Channel Flow Monitor is a reliable and accurate instrument for measuring and totalizing open channel flows for all flumes and weirs, as well as for any gravity-type open-channel flow application.
• Easy-to-use interface with user selectable flow tables
• Accepts any 4-20mA water level sensor's input
• 4-20mA output signal for recorders or displays
• Relay outputs for alarms, sampling, or datalogging
• Water resistant enclosure
The flow meter measures water depth using any 4-20mA water level sensor's output including Global Water's highly accurate submersible pressure transducer or ultrasonic water level sensor and the flow meter's powerful microprocessor instantly calculates and displays water flow and totalizer values in user selectable units using one of several water flow calculation modes. The Open Channel Flow Monitors have an 8-button keypad that easily guides you through the versatile setup menus.
Open Channel Flows
For any open channel that is free flowing, there is a specific relationship between depth of water and flow rate. Whenever a given depth occurs, there will always be the same water flow. Therefore, if the flow rate is known for each depth, a depth-to-flow relationship can be constructed. The Open Channel Flow Monitor supports a large number of different types of flow calculation modes. Over 40 preprogrammed flume and weir tables are included with the open channel flow meter. For monitoring in round pipes and open rectangular channels; the water flow meter's Manning's Equation mode allows the user to enter their own parameters for material, slope and pipe or channel dimensions. The open channel flow monitors also allow you to define standard flow equations, which can calculate flow for almost all flumes and weirs. Another mode lets the user enter parameters into the water flow meter for a best fit 3rd order polynomial which is useful for calculating flow based on empirical data and lookup tables (see article on Stream Flow Gauging). In addition, one (1) factory programmable lookup table can be permanently stored in the open channel flow monitor's processor memory for monitoring in applications where a single equation can't accurately predict flow, such as streambeds and open channels with complicated geometry. A 16-character name can be programmed into the FC220 water flow meters by the user to identify the installation site or show other information about the configuration.
Depth Measurement
Global Water's standard open channel flow monitors can measure flow depth with any 4-20 mA water level sensor including the highly-accurate WL400 Water Level Sensor, which is a fully submersible water level sensor constructed of stainless steel. Any water level sensor range can be used with the flow meter, however a sensor with a range near to your largest expected water level change will give you the best accuracy. Submersible pressure transducers should be mounted slightly below the "zero" flow depth of the open channel, upstream from the throat of the flume or weir. For open channels with no primary device, the sensor should be mounted below the lowest expected water depth. Because the open channel flow monitor accepts a 4-20 mA input signal it can be mounted up to 3000 feet away from the water level sensor.
Global Water also offers an ultrasonic water level sensor that allows the Open Channel Flow Monitor to measure semi-solid flows or flows that are not suitable for a standard submersible pressure transducer. Global Water recommends that the ultrasonic sensor option only be used in areas where AC power is available. You should strongly consider using a submersible pressure transducer with your open channel flow monitor for applications that are in areas without AC power.
Open Channel Flow Monitor Display
The Open Channel Flow Monitors display water flow with up to 7 digits allowing for very large flows to be displayed. The water flow meter's totalizer records up to 9 digits of flow volume in non-volatile memory, and is password protected from reset. Available volume units are cubic feet, gallons, million gallons, cubic meters and liters; time units include seconds, minutes, hours and days. This allows the open channel flow meters to display flow in 20 different user defined units. Water level is calibrated and displayed in feet, inches, meters or centimeters; and a water level offset function allows the measured water level to be adjusted to compensate for variations in the water flow meter's sensor installation.
Open Channel Flow Monitor Output
The water flow meters have four independent relay outputs for triggering external devices like water samplers and monitoring devices. The open channel flow monitor's relays can be separately programmed to trigger based on volume per pulse, and threshold settings can be used to limit triggering to flows above preset levels. There is also an accurate and scalable 4-20mA output provided for monitoring the flow using data loggers and PLC devices. An internal USB data logger is available as a factory option for the open channel flow monitor to allow the historical flow data to be recorded, as well as the exact time of each relay trigger event. Free software is provided for programming the data logger, downloading flow and relay data, and exporting to spreadsheets. The water flow meters have programmable power saving features that allow the supply current to be reduced, which is important in remote monitoring applications.
Water Flow Meter Enclosure
The enclosure is made of weather resistant injection molded plastic. It is suitable for use in a wide variety of environments. The enclosure can be wall-mounted and fitted with conduit for sensor and power connections, if required.
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