型号:EQF 3200
价格:¥ 电联
氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200可以进行全面的氡/钍状况评估,包括氡含量以及所期待的剂量。 同时确定氡/钍气浓度以及氡/钍子体浓度,从而得出平衡因子。
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型号:EQF 3200
氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200可以进行全面的氡/钍状况评估,包括氡含量以及所期待的剂量。 同时确定氡/钍气浓度以及氡/钍子体浓度,从而得出平衡因子。
氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200内置的氡测量腔室以及外置的子体测量探测器,均使用高品质的半导体放射探头,通过独有的Alpha能谱算法, 完美的实现了单一氡子体的辨识分离。
氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200新款的外置探头,可实现徒手快速更换滤膜。 仪器中央处理器时刻监控内置薄膜泵的工作状态,维持泵流量与预设值恒定,通过加固型微孔滤膜。 针对滤膜被击穿堵塞等意外情况,仪器利用内置探头感应滤膜上的持续压差,即时自动识别。
氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200内置高压氡测量腔室,经由特殊设计,实现了小腔室体积与高灵敏度的完美结合,在钍测量与小采样量时表现更为突出。 其他快速氡连续测量法(例如电离室法,闪烁室光电倍增管法)所面临的长效性递增本底210Po污染, 也被完全的剔除,而且不受环境本底影响。 独特腔室对于湿度变化完全不敏感,完全无需干燥桶。
对于每个放射性测量而言, 测量置信度是个中心关键点。针对这一目的,氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200对每一个测量值, 存储其完整的Alpha能谱。 由此可以确定每个时间点,其测量的准确无误性。
氡钍浓度测量检测EQF 3200即时的测量值可由大屏幕触摸屏操作显示。 所有的测量数据存储于1块2 GB的存储卡上,通过USB连线PC进行下载读取。 支持连接GSM-GPRS调制解调器或者ZigBee模块进行远程无线的数据传输与仪器控制。 用户还可以选择加装外置碘化钠探测器与EQF 3200相连,用于确定现场Gamma剂量率。 仪器内置更多输入输出端口,用于连接更多用户自定义探测器。
The EQF 3200 is the ideal Working Level monitor to evaluate the availability of radon and its expected dose. The device defines the concentration of gas and decay products for radon and thoron, in order to calculate the equivalent factor.
The EQF 3200 is equipped with instrument grade semiconductor radiation detectors, both in the radon measurement chamber and the sampling head for the decay products. This allows a perfect separation of the different decay products of radon, using alpha spectroscopy.
The fine pored membrane filter of the newly developed sampling head is exchangeable without any tool. The reinforced filter is used in combination with an automatically controlled rotary vane pump that guarantees a constant air flow through the filter. A sensor measures permanently the air pressure over the filter in order to recognize instantly an exhausted or perforated filter.
The measurement chamber works following the principle of high-tension separation and has, despite its low volume, an extraordinary sensitivity. This means a decisive advantage when it comes to measuring small thoron probe volumes. The long-term contamination by the increasing polonium-210 underground that appears in other measurement principles is completely annulated. There is no cross-sensitivity regarding the ambient radiation. The chamber is immune to humidity changes of the environment. This is why a desiccation cartridge, as needed in other devices working following the principle of high-tension separation, is not necessary in the EQF 3200.
The quality control is a main issue of any radiation measurement. Therefore the EQF 3200 records a complete alpha spectrum for each measured value. This allows controlling the perfect functioning of the instrument in each moment of the measurement.
The EQF 3200 has of a big touch-screen, showing the measured values. All measured data are stored in a 2 GB memory card and are available from your PC or laptop through a USB interface. Data transmission and device control can be done by radio modems, as well as via ZigBee adapter (short range wireless network). A NaI detector to fix the local gamma dose is an optional feature of the device. The EQF 3200 comes with additional input and output terminals to connect sensors and actuators according to client-specific needs. The data sheet shows some examples.
The instrument comes with a factory calibration certificate. The calibration process for Radon (Rn-222) fulfills the requirements of the DIN ISO EN 17025.